Online Banking User Guide - Master Users

Welcome to the Cayman National Online ‘Master User’ Guidelines.

Here, you will learn how to manage your users’ accounts and authorisation levels to complete your business online banking transactions.


Login Details:

  • Click the ‘Online Banking’ login button on the Cayman National
  • Enter your existing ‘Username’, ‘Customer ID’ and ‘Password’.
  • You’ll then be prompted to set a unique preferred username and password, select your three security questions and provide answers to secure your online profile.

*Please note that you will be provided with one time passwords (OTPs) via SMS to enter where necessary in order to access your online profile and to complete transactions.

Create a New Master/Business User

You can set up your team of users using the four types of business user profiles to manager your business online banking activity:

Master Users

Depending on your organisational procedures for approvals in Online Banking, there are two types of access levels.

  • Super Master User – This profile allows the user to:
    • Create and manage the business user profiles,
    • Assign accounts, transaction types and daily limits to business
    • Create or manage ‘Authorisation Matrices’ (confirm Fluid name)
    • Manage Business Users Devices
    • View Online Activity of business users
  • Master User – allows you the same functionality as above but requires approval from another Master User, for organisations that require dual

Makers - This profile allows the users to initiate transactions from assigned accounts, for specified transaction types within allowed daily limits.

Authorisers (formerly referred to as Checkers) - This profile allows the user to authorise transactions from assigned accounts, for specified transaction types within allowed daily limits.

Manda – This profile allows the user to initiate and authorise transactions from assigned accounts, for specified transaction types within allowed daily limits.

Hover over ‘Self- Management’ in the menu and click on ‘User Management’ to create user profiles. To create a new user online profile, click on ‘+ New User’ then enter the requested information.

*Please note the mobile phone number must include the plus sign, the country code and then the number with no dashes or brackets, as seen above.

  • Please note upon creation of the New User, the User name will be temporary and require change once the User logs in for the first time to that
  • Next to ‘User Type’, click the dropdown list to select the appropriate You will have the options of ‘Master’ or ‘Business’. Select ‘Master’ to allow the user to provide administrative support only. Select ‘Business’ in order to create a Maker, Authoriser or a Maker & Authoriser. Once selected, check the appropriate box to assign the user role. Select ‘User can input new transactions’ for users that are Makers only. Select ‘User can authorise new transactions’ for users that are Authorisers only. Check both boxes for the user to be a Maker & Authoriser.

* Please note, if the user is a Authoriser or a Maker & Authoriser, you will be prompted to fill in Daily Limit for each transaction type, i.e. ‘Transfer Between Own Accounts’, ‘Electronic Funds Transfer’, ‘Bill Payment’, etc. Each transaction type has limits set by the Bank which you can set for the User profile.

  • Please note once you have set the User type, you are unable to modify once the User profile set up is
  • Click the ‘Create New User’ button to proceed to confirmation page to review the User profile for final
  • Once you have verified the User Profile has accurate information, click ‘Confirm’ to complete the User

Assign Accounts to New User

To assign accounts and transactions to the user, follow the steps below:

  • Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the creation of the user before assigning
  • Below the Assign Accounts to User, click the ‘Assign Accounts’
  • Here, you will be presented with your banking portfolio inclusive of: Chequing and Savings accounts, Fixed Deposits, Loans, and Credit
  • Next to ‘Select User’, ensure the correct User profile is
  • To provide the User with access to all of the banking portfolio click the checkbox on the top row next to ‘Accounts(X)’. If the User profile does not require access to all accounts, click on the specific accounts that the User should have access

* Please note, you can click on the check box for each category to select all accounts in that area, i.e. Chequing, Savings, Fixed Deposits, Loans and Credit Cards.

  • For each account selected, you can manage the ‘Access Level’ of the User The options presented are ‘No Restrictions’ or ‘Display Only’. The ‘No Restrictions’ option allows the user to view the account, complete transactions if they are a Maker, authorise payments if they are an Authoriser, and all the above if they are a Maker & Authoriser. The ‘Display Only’ option allows the user to view the accounts but they are unable to transact or authorise.
  • Select the appropriate accounts and Access Levels for the User profile and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the User Profile has accurate information, click ‘Confirm’.

Assign Transaction Privileges to New Users

To assign transactions privileges, follow the steps below:

  • Once the new user has been created:
    • If your organisation requires dual control follow this

Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Transaction Management’ and select the User profile from the dropdown list that you would like to assign transactions to.

  • If your organisation does not require dual control follow the step

Click on the ‘Transaction Management’ button below ‘Assign Transactions to User’.

  • In this area, you can select all transactions that you would like the User profile to have privileges (See ‘Assign Transactions’ page in the Online Banking platform for full list of available transactions)
  • Select the appropriate transactions for the User profile and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the User Profile has accurate information, click ‘Confirm

*Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need approve the assigned the transactions.

Modify Users

To modify users, please follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self- Management’ in the menu and click on ‘User Management’ to modify user
  • To modify a user profile, click on the edit button (pencil icon) for that
  • On the Modify User screen, you can update the Users Contact information, ‘Status’ and Daily limits per transaction type.

*Please note the users ‘Status’ can be changed between Active and Inactive to enable and disable their online profile.
*Please note you are unable to modify the ‘User Type’.

  • Click the ‘Modify User’ button to proceed to confirmation page to review the User profile changes for final
  • Once you have verified the User profile changes are accurate, click ‘Confirm’ to complete the modification of the User

 *Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the modification of the User profile before changes are


Modify User Access to Accounts

To modify user access to account, please follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Account Management’.
  • From the ‘Select User’ dropdown list, select the user you want to modify the account access levels
  • To change the User access to all of the banking portfolio click the checkbox on the top row next to ‘Accounts(X)’. If the User profile does not require access to all accounts, click on the specific accounts that the User should have access.

*Please note, you can click on the check box for each category to select all accounts in that area, i.e. Chequing, Savings, Fixed Deposits, Loans and Credit Cards

  • For each account selected, you can manage the ‘Access Level’ of the User The options presented are ‘No Restrictions’ or ‘Display Only’. The ‘No Restrictions’ option allows the user to view the account, complete transactions if they are a Maker, authorise payments if they are an Authoriser, and all the above if they are a Maker & Authoriser. The ‘Display Only’ option allows the user to view the accounts but they are unable to transact or authorise.
  • Select the appropriate accounts and Access Levels for the User profile and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the User Profile has accurate information, click ‘Confirm’.

*Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the modification of the user accounts access

Modify User Transactions Privileges

To modify user transaction privileges, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Transaction Management’.
  • From the ‘Select User’ dropdown list, select the user you want to modify the transaction privileges
  • In this area, you can select all transactions that you would like the User profile to have privileges to. (See ‘Assign Transactions’ page in the Online Banking platform for full list of available transactions)
  • Select the appropriate transactions for the User profile and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the User Profile has accurate information, click ‘Confirm’.

 *Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the modification of assigned the transactions.

Modify Online Banking Daily Limits for your Entire Organisation

To modify your organisation’s business online banking daily limits, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Daily Limits’.
  • Click the ‘Define my own limits’ checkbox to allow you to change the daily limits per transaction type.

*Please note that your Daily Limits cannot exceed the Bank’s limits.

  • Make the appropriate changes to the Daily Limits and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the Daily Limits are accurate, click ‘Confirm’.

Modify Online Banking Daily Limits for Authorisers and Mandas

To modify a specific authorisers or manda’s daily limits, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘User Management’.
  • Next, click on the edit button (pencil icon) for that
  • Make the appropriate changes to the Daily Limits and click ‘Submit’.
  • Once you have verified the Daily Limits are accurate, click ‘Confirm’.

 *Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the modification of the daily limits for that

Manage Authorisation Schema

The Authorisation Scheme functionality allows your organisation to configure your Business Online Banking to require one, two or three signatures in order to complete a request.

  • Single-level authorisation Schema – Requires only one authoriser to approve a
  • Two-level authorisation Schema – Requires two authorisers to approve a
  • Three-level authorisation Schema – Requires three authorisers to approve a

For each level of Authorisation Schema, there are different possible signature type combinations.

  • Single-level authorisation Schema – no signature type combinations
  • Two-level authorisation Schema – There are 4 possible signature type combinations
    • Case 1 – Type A and Type B o Case 2 – Type A and Type I o Case 3 – Type B and Type I o Case 4 – Type I
      • Note: Authorisers that have Type A or Type B:
        • Cannot authorise on their own
        • Cannot authorise with another authoriser of the same type I.e. Type A Authoriser cannot with another Type A Authoriser
      • Note: Authorisers that have Type I
        • Can authorise with any other type e. Type A and Type B
        • Can authorise on their
      • Three-level authorisation Schema – All three Types X Y and Z
        • Case 1 – Type X, Type Y, Type Z
          • Note: Authorisers that have Type X or Type Y or Type Z:
            • Cannot authorise on their own
            • Cannot authorise with another authoriser of the same type I.e. Type Y Authoriser cannot with another Type Y Authoriser
          • Master Users has the ability to change Authoriser Type group name e. Type A can be defined as Cayman 1

To modify your organisations business online banking Authorisation Schema, please follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Setup Authorisation Schema’.
  • From the ‘Authorisation Schema’ dropdown list, select the appropriate Authorisation Schema and click ‘Submit’ to review and confirm.
  • Please note Authorisation Schemas cannot be changed if there are pending transactions for

Manage Signature Matrices

The Signature Matrices functionality allows your organisation to configure your authorisation rules for transactions based on amount, debit account and transaction type.

To create your organisation’s business online banking Signature Matrices, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Manage Signature Matrices’.
  • Select ‘Create Signature Matrix’ then select the transaction type from the dropdown list.
  • Select all accounts or the specific account the rule will apply
  • Select the Authoriser from the dropdown list along with their limit for
  • Select the Signature Type from the dropdown list. These will differ depending on your authorisation schema (as explained above).
  • Select ‘Add Row’ to add additional
  • Once all Authorisers have been added, select ‘Submit’.
  • Review the signature matrices and select ‘Confirm’

*Please note, if your organisation requires dual control, another Master User will need to approve the modification of assigned the transactions.

Mutually Excluded Authorisers

To create mutually excluded authorisers, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and click ‘Mutually Excluded Authorisers’.
  • Select ‘New Group’ then enter a name by Group
  • Select the Authorisers to be excluded from the list provided and drag into the box directly to the right.
  • Select ‘Submit’ once all Authorisers are in the
  • Review group name and excluded Authorisers then select ‘Confirm’.

*Please note, if your organisation requires dual control

Pending Transactions/Approving Transactions

To access pending transactions, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Transaction Status’ and select ‘Display Pending’. Alternatively, on your dashboard page, you can select the ‘View Pending Transactions’ button on the right side under ‘Pending Transaction’ if any pending transactions are
  • On the ‘List Pending’ page, you will see a list of pending transactions for
  • From here, you’ll be able to filter transactions by date, beneficiary name, account number, account type or approval
  • Select the check mark next to the transaction to approve or select the ‘X’ to

Alternatively, you may select multiple transactions using the tick boxes and then selecting the ‘Approve’/‘Reject’ button below.

  • Review and confirm the authorisations and select ‘Confirm’.

View Job Notifications

To access job notifications, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Transaction Status’ in the menu and select ‘View Job Notifications’.
  • You may filter the results by selecting ‘Show filters’.
  • Once the filters have been inputted, select ‘Apply Filters’.

Manage User Devices

To manage user’s registered devices, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and select ‘Manage User Devices’.
  • Select the user from the dropdown list to see registered device.
  • You can unregister a user’s device by clicking the ‘X’

Automatic File Upload Setup

To set up automatic file upload, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and select ‘Automatic File Upload Setup’.
  • Select ‘Create New File’ from the dropdown list for first time salary file uploads
  • Then, next to ‘File Setup Name’, enter the name of the file, and select ‘Save’.
  • Review and then select ‘Confirm’.

* Please note if you would like to change the name of the file, click ‘Edit Existing File’ from the dropdown list and enter the new file name next to the ‘File Setup Name’

Change Password

To change own password, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and select ‘Change Password’.
  • Then enter current password, followed by the new password and confirm the new password before clicking ‘Submit’.
  • Review password change and click ‘Confirm’.

* Please note that the ‘Having trouble logging in?’ functionality is not available to Business Users.

To reset another user’s password, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and select ‘User Management’.
  • Find the user on the list, select ‘Reset Password’ next to the user’s name, and click ‘Confirm’.

Online Activity

To access your online activity, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Self-Management’ in the menu and select ‘Online Activity’.
  • Here, you are able to see all online activity including transactions, logins and more initiated by all
  • You can also click on the ‘Show Filters’ button to search for specific activity based on a user, date, type of transaction and even transactions to a specific
  • Once you have entered your search criteria, click ‘Apply Filter’ to be presented with the relevant


To manage users alerts delivery settings, follow the steps below:

  • Hover over ‘Alerts’ in the menu and select ‘User Alert Delivery Settings’.
  • Select the user from the dropdown list.
  • Select the text box next to the preferred delivery type (SMS, Push Notification or Email), enter the required information, and then select the ‘Save’
  • Once you have reviewed the delivery settings, select ‘Confirm’.

Secure Message

To create a secure message or view your inbox, follow the steps below:

  • Select the envelope icon in the top right hand corner.
  • To create a new message, select ‘New Message’.
  • Select the appropriate topic from the dropdown list and input your own
  • Next, insert your message in the message body.
  • To add an attachment, select the ‘Browse’ button to select a file to be
  • Click ‘Send’ to send the secure
  • Review and click ‘Confirm’.

File Vendor Payment Setup

To set up a new file vendor payment, follow the steps below:

  • Log in Online Banking as the Master User
  • Go to Self-Management
  • Click on Automatic File Upload Setup
    • Select Create New File (drop down option)
    • Select File Vendor Payment as your File Type
    • Status has to be Active
    • Enter your File Name in File Setup Name
    • Click Save
    • Click Confirm
  • Log out